You may have read about my daily project, And Sew For Today, in my previous post. Each day I am sewing a random word onto fabric and posting it to my Tumblr site. I've been using my back catalogue of scrap fabric for the project so far. My collection is either inherited, bought from charity shops and jumble sales or scavenged from various people and places and I'm running out!
This is where you come you have any scraps of fabric hanging around that you might want to donate to my project? Most of my words fit onto postcard size scraps, so I'm not after yards and yards, just offcuts that you might not have any use for anymore.
I'd be hugely grateful for any donations. To donate, simply email me (hello[at] your address and I will send out a stamped addressed envelope that you can fill and post back to me! Be sure to include your name, website, twitter etc and I will publish it along with the word on Tumblr.
Please spread the word; I still have 294 days to go and need all the help I can get!
Thank you,
Posted by: Lois Hickey | July 10, 2012 at 08:00 PM
Dear Emma
Hi sorry I am not directly responding to your request of material although I could send you some material as I live in an ecological farming community and we have a sewing room with scraps in it!!
I am writing to you because I think I saw a photo you took of Kate Bush's house in Devon and wondered if you know the address?
I would really like to send her a demo of my music . For the purpose of seeing if she would be interested in using and contributing to my songs. My aim here is to beable to be a song writer for artist and make money for an Eco therapy project I want to run for children and people with mental health issues. I want to aproach Kate Bush because I think my songs are similar and she may find them inspiring and like to use one of them . I want to post my demo to her house and see if she is interested, with links to my proposed project.
Could you help?
If you would like me to send material let me know how ? If you want to hear my music click on this site
and if you want to see where I live with many other people please check this site
So you can see I am serious about music and about ecology . You could probably find my name at UCS university where I teach and can see I am serious about therapy ,mental health work too!!!
Look forward to hearing from you re material and Kate Bush
Kind regards
Posted by: Lois Hickey | July 10, 2012 at 08:23 PM